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2015年12月11日 19:07  点击:[]



1213日(星期日)15:00-17:00 伯川图书馆报告厅


2、主题演讲(Infrastructure condition in Japan and a new R&D program "Infrastructure maintenance, renovation and management

演讲人:藤野阳三 国际知名学者 先端科学高等研究院上席特别教授


1214日(星期一) 13:30-14:30 综合实验三号楼209


演讲人:铃木崇之 副教授

演讲题目:2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami Behavior and Damage

1214日(星期一) 15:00-17:00 综合实验三号楼307会议室


研讨主题:Infrastructure and disaster prevention



山田 均(Hitoshi Yamada)教授

小长井 一男(Kazuo Konagai)教授

小松 怜史(Satoshi Komatsu)助教


皋(Lin Gao)院士


宪京(Kong Xianjing)教授


晶(Zhou Jing)教授


宏男 Li Hongnan)教授


1214日(星期一) 15:00-17:00 综合实验三号楼511会议室


研讨主题:Urban transportation, supply chain and logistics



中村 文彦(Fumihiko Nakamura)理事、副校长

三浦 诗乃(Shino Miura)助教

颖(Ying Sun)副教授


胜川(Zhao Shengchuan 教授


婉秋(Liu Wanqiu)副教授


1214日(星期一) 13:30-17:00 综合实验三号楼二楼大厅



Infrastructure condition in Japan and a new R&D program "Infrastructure maintenance, renovation and management“

Prof. Yozo Fujino

Institute of Advanced Sciences, Yokohama National University

The economic sustainability, security and social well-being of a nation depend heavily on the reliable functioning of infrastructure. After building a massive amount of infrastructure in the decades following the end of the Second World War, Japanese stocks of infrastructure have reached enormous amount of over seven thousands billion US dollar. Majority of the infrastructure were built from the 1960s through the 1980s. Major work on roads was done in the late 1960s, bridges in the early 1970s, dams, river gates and harbors in early 1980s. So in most cases, infrastructures have stood for three to four decades.

Some of the infrastructures are not in a good shape. The demand for rapid availability of infrastructure in the past might have led to poor design quality; poor construction method or structures built using undeveloped technology. Some of the infrastructures are deteriorating due to increasing loading condition and harsh environment. For example, increasing traffic volumes due to heavy and overloaded trucks, deterioration of structural members of bridges due to the use of anti-freezing salts and humid environment have become a major concern for transportation infrastructure.

The collapse of Sasago Tunnel located on the Chuo Expressway about 80 kilometers west of Tokyo in 2012 has led to doubts about the current quality and safety of infrastructure, and immediately brought public attention to the issue of infrastructure degradation in Japan. The Sasago Tunnel accident is no more than the tip of the iceberg. Infrastructure will deteriorate over time and eventually collapse without proper maintenance.

Realizing this condition, Japanese government decided to invest on research and development for efficient management of infrastructure through implementation of science and advanced technology. The new R&D program named “Infrastructure maintenance, renovation and management” is started in 2013 under the Council of Science, Technology and Innovation (CSTI)‘s Strategic Innovation Program (SIP). The 5-years program covers various subjects of infrastructure maintenance with key technologies in condition assessment using non-destructive testing, monitoring and robotics; long-term performance prediction of infrastructure, development of durable high-quality of material for repair and replacement, and management of large amount of infrastructure data using advanced information and communication technologies (ICT). The program consists of about 60 research projects involving universities, government research institutes and industries. This initiative is expected to prevent further accidents and setting an example for efficient infrastructure maintenance by reducing the burden of maintenance works and cost.


上一条:关于组织申报2016年度辽宁省高等教育本科教学改革研究项目的通知 下一条:BIM软件与应用(讲座)

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